Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Don't Say You Weren't Warned.

When Britain is finally out of the EU; when Scotland and Ireland have left and we are just England and Wales; when there is no NHS free at the point of delivery and it costs £75 for a consult and an aspirin and even a semi serious illness will bankrupt you or force you to watch someone you love die slowly and horribly; when all the schools are profit-making training centres for zero hours contract jobs for corporations that take all their profits abroad; when the disabled are all tagged and ghettoised as too expensive to care about; when the elderly are demonised and deleted from existence by their miserable, degrading lack of care; when higher education costs £50,000 plus interest 10% above base; when a significant proportion of the population has been criminalised and forced to work a 10 hour day for nothing making the products that those same corporations sell; when the beaches are again so filthy that you can't ever go to the beach; when the water is so polluted by fracking that you are forced to buy over priced bottled water for everything; when your energy is so expensive that you are forced to choose between heating and eating; when every penny you earn is used to repay your debts and get yourself to work and back with nothing left over; when your friends and neighbours have been deported or excluded from society and still there are not enough resources, housing or healthcare; when the Middle East is a smoking radioactive crater populated only by robots that can drill for oil; when the only thing left in Eastern Europe are NATO's depleted uranium leftovers; when the only politicians you can have are the ones that you are allowed…

Don't say you weren't warned.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Democracy's Last Stand

If Corbyn doesn't get re-elected as Labour leader that will effectively mark the end of representative democracy in this country.
It will still *look* like representative democracy but the fact is that John McDonnell was right - this isn't about opposition to Jeremy Corbyn, this is about the 1% telling the rest of us to know our place.
If they manage, through their campaign of lies, spin, misinformation, gerrymandering and disenfrachisement, to block Corbyn this time then after this we will only ever be able to vote for who we are allowed to vote for, not who we want to vote for.
The choices will be between this or that neoliberal, this or that Blairite, this or that political "royalty" elitist multimilionaire. The Kinnocks, the Bennites (oh how THAT term has changed meaning), the Eagles and the Smiths of Westminster will allow to vote for them, or one of their gang, or we can vote for more of the same in the Tory party or UKIP.
But vote for who WE want to vote for - nope.

Monday, 4 July 2016

@RichardBurgon Nails @DavisHD trying to dishonestly frame the debate

In this wonderful little clip Davis tries FOUR TIMES to frame the nature of reality around Corbyn as the opposite of reality. To try to claim as he does that Corbyn's hundreds of thousands of supporters are the ones who are out of step with just 172 MPs would be laughable if he, and the rest of the BBC, didn't get away with this day after day.

But Richard Burgon MP to the rescue! Just listen to the way he patiently but assertively corrects Evan Davis at every turn.

First of all Davis tries to validate an undemocratic coup attempt by bringing up Corbyn's own history of opposing the leadership. Burgon's answer to this: "There's a difference between principled opposition on .... policy to an outright attempt to capsize the whole ship".

In his next attempt Davis tries to characterise the Labour leadership as some sort of dictatorship. Burgon's response: "The truth is Jeremy Corbyn was elected with an overwhelming majority, the biggest mandate of any political leader in British history".

Following this Davis tries to describe Corbyn as "a radical", hoping some kind of negative scary description will finally stick. No chance. Burgon's answer "There's nothing radical about proposing a £10 per hour minimum wage ... nothing radical about proposing a massive program of building council houses, and I don't think there's anything radical ... in thinking Britain made a huge mistake in getting involved in the Iraq war."

Finally Davis tries one last, desperate, undignified dig: "You're implying that he can limp on", he says. Burgon, maintaining his equilibrium perfectly: "I'm not implying anything about 'limping'".

Meanwhile in other news, te Met Police report that "10,000 people gather in Parliament square to support Corbyn". This, in the hands of BBC's Laura Kuenssberg , becomes "Jeremy Corbyn's support begins to show signs of fraying".

I would normally say something like "you couldn't make it up" - but it's pretty clear that's exactly what they do.